Saturday, May 6, 2017


We saw some very large herds of springbok today.  They thrive in this environment, which is a good thing because they are quite tasty to a lot of different predators.  They are antelopes with small black twisted horns, about the size of an American white-tailed dear, with white bellies, soft brown fur, and black lines down their sides.  What makes them so special is that sometimes when they run, they will literally spring up into the air like they have springs on their feet.  They arch their backs when they do this, so it looks like they are being jerked up by a belt as they run.  They leap quite high into the air, at least 5 feet or more.  The first herd we came to this morning had about 10-15 springbok who were just springing around all over the place, running, springing, leaping, right in and through the rest of the herd, who were placidly eating breakfast and paying no mind.  I didn't catch any springing action, but here are what they look like in a herd.  One photo shows some babies, by the way.

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